As the wheel of technological evolution perpetually spins, the fascinating realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is ceaselessly taking a commanding lead. AI and Big Data, without a doubt, stand as the powerful behemoths in our tech-driven epoch, with AI engineering steadily being proclaimed as one of the most desirable career paths.

Being deeply entrenched in this accelerating universe, one needs to foster not just technical knowledge but an amalgamation of multifaceted skills that perfectly sync with the ceaseless waves of technological innovations and modifications. So, as an AI engineer gearing up for the transformative 2024, what essential skills should you hone?

1. Proficiency in Programming Languages: This, of course, is a no-brainer. Fluency in Python, Java, and R will remain paramount, while C++ and JavaScript could potentially gain momentum in the AI realm. Other rising languages such as Julia may also gain significance, depending on the trajectory of the AI industry.

2. Understanding of Statistics and Probability: Deepening your understanding of concepts such as Bayesian networks, graphical models, sampling, causal inference, and hidden Markov models, will lay the groundwork for sophisticated data handling and intelligent algorithm development.

3. Data Modelling and Evaluation: Acquiring expertise in developing models to tease out complex patterns from a given dataset, along with evaluation strategies to ascertain their accuracy, can markedly sharpen your AI engineering skills.

4. Machine Learning and Neural Networks: Understanding the foundations of Machine Learning algorithms and getting proficient with deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, or PyTorch will open new dimensions for your career.

5. Command over Big Data Technologies: Fluency with platforms like Apache Hadoop or Apache Spark can set the stage for efficiently working with huge data sets, making it an indispensable tool in your skillset.

6. Knowledge of AI-related Hardware: Being aware of hardware-specific to AI, like Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), can lend you a significant competitive advantage.

7. Problem-Solving Skills: Beyond just theoretical knowledge, practical, hands-on problem-solving skills form the core of an AI engineer’s professional existence. A problem-oriented approach is fundamental to inventing creative and efficient AI models and solutions.

8. Staying Curious and Open-Minded: AI is ever-evolving; keeping an open mind and an attitude of continuous learning will make you flexible and adaptable, giving you a competitive edge in the AI sphere.

9. Building Domain-Specific Knowledge: Venturing into specific areas of interest like healthcare, finance, or supply chain can provide a much-needed boost.

10. Emotional Intelligence and Ethics: Understanding the socio-ethical implications of your AI developments will take you from being a great engineer to a responsible and wise industry player.

Indeed, as we stare into the dawning horizon of 2024, arming ourselves with the requisite skills and perspectives can greatly enhance our trajectories in the stirring universe of AI engineering.